Something important to keep in mind right now; we do not live in “the Bad Timeline”. We live in Bad Times.
Continue readingSomething important to keep in mind right now; we do not live in “the Bad Timeline”. We live in Bad Times.
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Filed under Bad Influences, Don't Know Don't Care, Idiot's Delight, Worst Of All
In case you missed it, Bands I Useta Like (the comic strip, not the site you are currently reading) is over. I am forced to accept that a printed periodical outlet for the strip I have drawn for the past twenty-three years no longer exists. This is the theme of the 2020’s; forced acceptance and submission. Historically, I do well with neither.
So, in the spirit of the current times, I am accepting my own flaws and shortcomings as personal advantages, and forcing them on the rest of society and the world. As a pipe-tooting sailor once said, I am what I am.
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Filed under Bad Influences, Don't Know Don't Care, Girls of BIUL, Site Stuff, Unfairly Maligned, Worst Of All
I’ve always known I was smarter than just about everyone else. Now, I have proof. Beyond the shadow of any doubt, I have proof.
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Filed under Bad Influences, Don't Know Don't Care, Eatable Things, Worst Of All
The following is an open letter to Facebook, Amazon, Google, and Spotify, from Matty Boy Anderson. Mr. Anderson is a 28-year veteran of newspaper comics, and has self-published his own comic books for equally as long. He has created Internet content for 20 years, and authored three websites. In 2008, after three years of production, he released a homemade movie that won Best Animated Feature at the Atlanta Underground Film Festival.
Dear Facebook:
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Filed under Bad Influences, Don't Know Don't Care, Idiot's Delight, Podcastery, Worst Of All
In 1993, Rhino Records released the two-volume hardcore punk compilation Faster & Louder, containing a cornucopia of gems from the golden age of the genre. The covers unfolded to reveal spectacular art by the great Gary Panter (above image, Jimbo), and incisive liner notes that briefly break down every track, by Brooklyn record collector and writer Johan Kugelberg.
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Filed under Bad Influences, Don't Know Don't Care, Idiot's Delight, Worst Of All
It’s time for us, as a species, to make a healthy admission.
The world we knew and loved, just years ago, is dead. It’s gone. It’s never coming back. Not even as a side mission in a GTA game. Now we are left with the nagging sensation that things were once better. It’s too painful to consider the reasons why. Hold on to the memory, and carry on.
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Filed under Bad Influences, Don't Know Don't Care, Faint Signals, Idiot's Delight, Worst Of All
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