The mid-1980’s Twilight Zone was actually really good. It had an appropriately creepy vibe right from the start, aided greatly by the reinterpretation of the classic theme music, courtesy of Merl Saunders and the Grateful Dead.
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Filed under Comix Classic & Current, Faint Signals, Girls of BIUL, Nostalgic Obsessions, Thousand Listen Club, Unfairly Maligned
The Gift of the MAGA

In 1993, Rhino Records released the two-volume hardcore punk compilation Faster & Louder, containing a cornucopia of gems from the golden age of the genre. The covers unfolded to reveal spectacular art by the great Gary Panter (above image, Jimbo), and incisive liner notes that briefly break down every track, by Brooklyn record collector and writer Johan Kugelberg.
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Filed under Bad Influences, Don't Know Don't Care, Idiot's Delight, Worst Of All
Agent Orange
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Filed under Bad Influences, Comix Classic & Current, Idiot's Delight, Site Stuff, Thousand Listen Club, Worst Of All
Your Emotions (Make You A Monster)
How can you tell when someone doesn’t belong on the Internet?
They get emotional.
There is no place for emotions on the Internet. Emotions are a weakness here. They’re reduced to “emoticons”; literal badges that display the current weakness of the user. This makes it easy to spot people who struggle with manic depression, bipolarity, or hypochondria.
Whether you noticed it or not, true anonymity has been eradicated from social media. You cannot post anonymously. Remember when you could? Of course you do- it was less than ten fucking years ago.
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DEVO: The Good, The Bad, And The Mutated
I have been a DEVO fan- a “DEVOtee”, if you will- for a very long time. 35 years ago, I was witnessing the video for “Whip It” for the first time, on the brand-new cable channel MTV. I knew a lot of spoiled kids.
It’s not one of my favorite DEVO singles, but I appreciate its historical importance. Even today, it sounds truly weird. However, it came to be so closely linked with DEVO and their visual style, eventually it was the only song anyone brought up. Continue reading
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Filed under Bad Influences, Faint Signals, Nostalgic Obsessions, Thousand Listen Club, Unfairly Maligned
On the Internet, a “White Knight” is someone who rushes to defend a stranger they perceive as slighted, usually for attention. The most prodigious example is lonely men, who sniff out drama in women’s online profiles like pigs hunting truffles. These guys engage in a “Backhanded Courtship”, where instead of paying compliments on a woman’s appearance, they announce that they accept her flaws, unlike “the others”.
This is because White Knights are absolute psychopaths. Continue reading
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Filed under Bad Influences, Faint Signals, Idiot's Delight, Nostalgic Obsessions, Thousand Listen Club
Bad Religion
This is probably one of the “first batch”, and it’s the first that got me hate mail. The Subhumans fan from the opening panel is M.I.A.; last I heard he may no longer be extant. Unfortunately I think Endora’s Emporium of Savannah is long gone. In the early ’90s, that was a place where I pawned CDs. It took me a few years to move up to actual pawn shops. I’ve pretty much never been comfortable dealing with other people. I think that really comes across in the sparse, robotic text I typically used in the captions of early BIULs like this one. Continue reading
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Filed under Bad Influences, Comix Classic & Current, Faint Signals
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