Thanks for meeting me here on such short notice. I picked a public place so there’d be no worries about either of us “freaking out”. The hidden cameras are for your protection as well as mine, and oh by the way I’m live-streaming this to anywhere from four to five dozen people so cool it with the racial slurs. There might be kids around.
Most people don’t know this about me, but I have a sixth sense regarding show people. Meaning, when you find out that an actor, actress or performer is an absolute degenerate piece of shit, I already knew from the first time I laid eyes on them, even if it was forty or more years ago.
Part of being an inscrutable artist weirdo like myself is that you love it when people buy gifts for you, but you never buy gifts for anyone, because you feel an inner obligation to instead create something for them, which you then you take forever to do, and you just end up looking ungrateful.
Here at Mike The Pod we have a motto. Mike The Pod is me. Here at me we have a motto.
“Avoid Children At All Costs.”ACAAC for short, which when spoken sounds like “a cock”, two words you should never, ever utter together within earshot of children.
Some people live their entire lives without ever realizing the restraints the real world puts upon them. They work a regular 9-to-5 job, watch regular TV shows, and read the comics in the Sunday paper, regularly. They make small talk with everyone they know, and keep any heavy thoughts they might have to themselves.
I know what you’re thinking; we’re all thinking it. They dressed young Tony Soprano up to vaguely reference Chris-Chan, and they did it intentionally. It fits the timeline; filming preceded the eldritch horrors that ultimately led to prison for Chris-Chan. I don’t even want to joke about what he did, and in case you don’t know what the hell I’m talking about: I am not crazy.
My personal credentials for this review are as follows:
This strip is kind of on the bitter side and I did not photo-reference the shot from the “Shock The Monkey” video in the first panel. I didn’t want to watch it again!! The monkeys featured in it are surely dead.
Alright before you say anything, this ain’t one of my favorites. It actually represents a lot of painful things for me personally. So just know that going in.
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