Tag Archives: Dragon Ball Z

Non Grata

Believe it or not, a good bit of thought goes into my creative output, in particular where exactly in my figurative empire that output fits best. Should I post an article here, or behind a paywall on my Patreon? Is the idea better served in readable text, or does it function more smoothly spoken conversationally on a podcast? Would people rather read it, or hear it?

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Filed under Bad Influences, Don't Know Don't Care, Idiot's Delight, Saturday Movie Matinee, Worst Of All

On The Offensive

Some people live their entire lives without ever realizing the restraints the real world puts upon them. They work a regular 9-to-5 job, watch regular TV shows, and read the comics in the Sunday paper, regularly. They make small talk with everyone they know, and keep any heavy thoughts they might have to themselves.

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Filed under Bad Influences, Comix Classic & Current, Girls of BIUL, Nostalgic Obsessions

10 Steps To A Finished Page

Okay, I know I said in some old article that I could never teach you how to do what I do. Well, I was in a bad mood when I wrote that. I can totally teach you.

You think you can make good comics? I can show you how in 10 Steps.

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Filed under Animation Analysis, Comix Classic & Current, Magazine Rack, Nostalgic Obsessions, Site Stuff