Believe it or not, a good bit of thought goes into my creative output, in particular where exactly in my figurative empire that output fits best. Should I post an article here, or behind a paywall on my Patreon? Is the idea better served in readable text, or does it function more smoothly spoken conversationally on a podcast? Would people rather read it, or hear it?
Pictured: The serenity to accept the things I cannot change, and the wisdom to know who should go fuck themselves.
In case you missed it, Bands I Useta Like (the comic strip, not the site you are currently reading) is over. I am forced to accept that a printed periodical outlet for the strip I have drawn for the past twenty-three years no longer exists. This is the theme of the 2020’s; forced acceptance and submission. Historically, I do well with neither.
So, in the spirit of the current times, I am accepting my own flaws and shortcomings as personal advantages, and forcing them on the rest of society and the world. As a pipe-tooting sailor once said, I am what I am.
At this moment, there is a war raging. Not a war on Christmas, or periods, or a foreign nation.
Battle of KekaLOLga
A war between People Who Think, and People Who Feel.
The Thinkers always win. The Feelers always lose, unless they can game the rules. But lose they will, because the world is cruel. Especially for children and little things. Continue reading →
It’s 2016, and I can tell you’re not ready. The last twelve months really added wear and tear. You’ll have to do more than make resolutions you won’t keep, if you’re gonna roll through another year. I’m here to help, though. I’ve taken a good look under your hood, and I think I see the issue. It’s not a problem yet per se, but it could seriously affect your performance in the coming days.
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