Our biggest problem as a culture is simple; we allow attitude to win every time.
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Joan Jett
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Filed under Bad Influences, Comix Classic & Current, Don't Know Don't Care, Girls of BIUL, Nostalgic Obsessions, Thousand Listen Club
Tagged as 1970s, 1976, 1980s, 1981, 2012, 2019, Bands I Useta Like, cassettes, Cherie Currie, comedy, comic, depression, Jackie Fox, Joan Jett, Lita Ford, New Jersey, political correctness, punk rock, Sandy West, smoking, social media, Star Trek, strips, The Jerk, The Runaways
Ah Leia Akbar
Carrie Fisher, the beloved actress who played the role of Princess Leia Organa in Star Wars, is no longer alive. You’re welcome for the update, recently-awakened coma victim.
There is literally nothing I can say about this. Literally; even praise will be feted as heresy. Legendary comedian Steve Martin, who knew Fisher, dared to tweet that she was beautiful when he met her, and of course the virtue-signalers can’t have that.

This is a gift from the man who made The Jerk and wrote Picasso at the Lapin Agile, you philistines.
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Filed under Faint Signals, Girls of BIUL, Idiot's Delight, Nostalgic Obsessions, Saturday Movie Matinee
Tagged as 1970s, 1977, 1980, 1980s, 1983, 1986, 1987, Carrie Fisher, CGI, corporate crap, Debbie Reynolds, despair, Disney, Donnie Iris, Harrison Ford, Heavy Metal, movies, Return of the Jedi, sellouts, Spaceballs, Star Wars, Steve Martin, The Blues Brothers, The Empire Strikes Back, The Fifth Element, The Jerk, The Transformers: The Movie, Tom Hanks
Career Immolation: A User’s Guide
They say there is no such thing as bad publicity. Of course there is, when the public asks;
“Whatever happened to that guy?”
And then the public remembers, “Oh yeah. That happened.”

(l-r:) Glenn Humplik and Tom Green, with one of Canada’s accursed “milk bags”. Hopefully I won’t be legally pressured to remove this photo.
In the late 1990s, MTV gave Canadian public access personality Tom Green his own show. It was a raucous, prank-filled half-hour wherein Green literally abused and humiliated every single person he encountered, while affecting an oblivious, addled mien. It was for the most part very funny. Continue reading →
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Filed under Animation Analysis, Bad Influences, Don't Know Don't Care, Faint Signals, Idiot's Delight, Late To The Party, Nostalgic Obsessions, Saturday Movie Matinee, Worst Of All
Tagged as 1980s, 1990s, 4chan, Andy Kaufman, Anthony Cumia, Artie Lange, Austin Powers, Billy Joel, Billy West, Canada, comedy, corporate crap, Drew Barrymore, Freddy Got Fingered, Howard Stern, Jackie Martling, Jay Roach, laughter, metal, Mike Myers, movies, New Jersey, NYC, prank calls, radio, Richard Christy, Robin Quivers, Ron Howard, Saturday Night Live, sellouts, Shrek, Sirius XM, So I Married An Axe Murderer, The Jerk, Tom Green, trolls, Whitest Kids U Know, whores
The 10 Funniest Movies Ever (Plus 5)
The most powerful force known to our world is laughter. This is why films that make us laugh are so precious. We carry them through generations on numerous formats, and celebrate the comedians who’ve since left us. We share them with friends and loved ones, so we can laugh together. And since humor is subjective, we love to bicker over which movies are the funniest. Continue reading →
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Filed under Bad Influences, Faint Signals, Girls of BIUL, Movies You Missed, Nostalgic Obsessions, Saturday Movie Matinee
Tagged as #fbf, #tbt, 1970s, 1980s, 1987, 1990s, 2000s, Alex Winter, Animal House, Aretha Franklin, Arsenio Hall, Bad Santa, Bernadette Peters, Beverly D'Angelo, Billy Bob Thornton, Black Dynamite, Blazing Saddles, Blues Brothers, breasts, Cab Calloway, Caddyshack, Carrie Fisher, Cedric Yarbrough, Cheech & Chong, Cheech & Chong's Next Movie, Chevy Chase, Cindy Morgan, Cloris Leachman, comedy, Coming To America, Dan Ackroyd, Dax Shepard, Eddie Murphy, Faye Masterson, Fran Drescher, Frank Conniff, Freaked, Gene Hackman, Gene Wilder, Idiocracy, Jackie Mason, James Brown, James Earl Jones, Joel Hodgson, John Belushi, John Lee Hooker, Kym Whitley, Larry Blamire, laughter, Lauren Graham, Lost Skeleton of Cadavra, Luke Wilson, M. Emmet Walsh, Madeline Kahn, Marty Feldman, Maya Rudolph, Megan Ward, Mel Brooks, Melrose Place, Michael Jai White, MIchael O'Keeffe, Mike Nelson, movies, Mr. T, Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie, National Lampoon, NIcole Sullivan, Paul Shaffer, Peewee Herman, Peter Boyle, Rick Baker, Rob Reiner, Robyn Hilton, Rodney Dangerfield, Saturday Night Live, Sexual Chocolate, Soul Glo, Steve Martin, Teri Garr, The Jerk, This Is Spinal Tap, Tommy Davidson, Tony Cox, Tony Hendra, Trailer Park Boys, Young Frankenstein
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