In college, I split-majored, in both graphic design and illustration. I’m a cartoonist, but when I graduated high school, that wasn’t a common part of art-school curriculum. In illustration, I learned the most important aspect of rendering; figure studies. After all, there will never come a time when human anatomical knowledge is unnecessary. The skill to draw any part of the body you inhabit will never hold you back.
However, I was naive in my choice of studies. I was so eager to learn all that I could, I didn’t grasp that graphic design requires the left (analytical) side of the brain, and illustration (creative) requires the right. For a green teen, it was too much; I burned out and then dropped out. I couldn’t jockey back and forth across the hippocampus day after day. While trying to ink the sewer grate for the cover of the second Mike The Pod Comix, I had a psychotic episode and hurled my sketchbook down the dorm hallway.
The sewer grate, folks. The sewer grate. (1991)
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Filed under Animation Analysis, Bad Influences, Comix Classic & Current, Faint Signals, Magazine Rack, Nostalgic Obsessions
Tagged as 1970s, 1979, Atari 800 XL, Atlanta, Austin-Healey, BMW, Ceaseless Fables of Beyonding, computers, Gateway, iMac, John's Arm:Armageddon, Kinko's, Macintosh, Nabisco, New Jersey, NYC, PC, Savannah, SCAD, Steve Jobs, Watchmen, Windows
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