Until his passing five months ago, I had a hamster named Gomez Houdini. His surname came from his determination in escaping from cardboard boxes, through dutifully chewed-out holes. (That’s what the famous magician did, right? Chewed his way out?)
Until his passing five months ago, I had a hamster named Gomez Houdini. His surname came from his determination in escaping from cardboard boxes, through dutifully chewed-out holes. (That’s what the famous magician did, right? Chewed his way out?)
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Filed under Great Hamsters I Have Known
Imagine if everything you knew about human existence, from birth to death, was based on the years 2020 to 2022. Imagine if the worst two years of almost everybody’s lives thus far encompassed your entire lifetime. Would it be a good life, or bad?
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Filed under Great Hamsters I Have Known
“Bury the fuckin’ thing!”
-John Saxon as Lt. Don Thompson, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
I want to thank everyone who stuck with me through one of the most god-awful years of our lives. With love, this is for you.
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Filed under Bad Influences, Don't Know Don't Care, Faint Signals, Idiot's Delight, Late To The Party, Site Stuff, Worst Of All
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Filed under Great Hamsters I Have Known
Yesterday, I had my birthday. Everyone wished me good luck.
Isn’t that a great song? I love that album. Crispin Glover is one of my favorite people. Remember when he was “Uncle Dell” in David Lynch’s Wild At Heart? How he stayed up all night making sandwiches?
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Filed under Faint Signals, Great Hamsters I Have Known, Movies You Missed, Nostalgic Obsessions, Site Stuff, Thousand Listen Club
When something restores your overall morale, and very nearly your faith in humanity, that something must be publicly acknowledged. And yes, that’s humanity, not “hupeopleity”, or any other spurious, Canadian word salad.
Two things you already know if you’ve read articles on this site in the past month: 1., I’m flat broke, and 2., my dwarf hamster Vern has had a growth under his chin since mid-January.
This past week, the growth grew significantly, and I began to worry that it was hurting Vern. Hopefully you don’t know this, but when you’re so broke that you can’t even provide for the pet that depends on you, the spiral of shame and depression is mind-boggling in its brutality.
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Filed under Great Hamsters I Have Known, Site Stuff
Vern, aka Vernal Squeequinox, is my Winter White dwarf hamster. You might have seen him in other articles here, or in my interminable Facebook posts. Maybe you’re not interested in another page about my emotional support hamster*, but I assure you, Vern only wants to share love. Like me, he takes his small fandom very seriously. (As seriously as a tiny ball of fluff can take anything.)
*As a favor to me, please remember this: I never, ever, want to hear any tragic stories about hamsters, yours or otherwise. Never. I’m asking you nicely.
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Filed under Great Hamsters I Have Known
“Battle not with monsters,
Lest ye become a monster.
And if ye gaze into the abyss,
The abyss gazes also into you.”-Friedrich Nietzsche
Hi there. My name is Matty Boy Anderson. I’m a cartoonist!
If you’re new to this site, thanks for coming, I’m glad you’re here. If you’re not, consider this a refresher course! This one’s for the noobs!
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Filed under Bad Influences, Comix Classic & Current, Faint Signals, Girls of BIUL, Late To The Party, Nostalgic Obsessions, Robot Toy Fetish, Site Stuff
My dwarf hamster Vern (aka Vernal Squeequinox) has a Valentine just for you!
You might notice that Wheeljack makes an unscheduled cameo, and that my camera is busted (hence the cinéma vérité/shaky camera effect). Cheerios are like crack to Vern.
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Filed under Eatable Things, Girls of BIUL, Great Hamsters I Have Known
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