Let me be clear about something, so there is no misunderstanding amongst the finger-pointers.
I love women.

[file photo]
More than probably
anything else. They are intrinsically exciting to me. Not just their hills and valleys; I can get worked into a froth thinking about Camille Paglia cocking an eyebrow. I have chased women at the expense of my sanity and livelihood, even the ones I wasn’t trying to fuck. Some women beam out female energy like a supernova, and I just want to be close to it, like a moth to a flame.
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Filed under Bad Influences, Don't Know Don't Care, Girls of BIUL, Uncategorized
Tagged as 2010s, 2016, breasts, brothers, censorship, Fight Club, men, Odds, Pepe LePew, Playgirl, political correctness, R. Crumb, social media, Super Mario Bros., vaginas, Ween, women
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