Caddyshack is a rare film for me, in that I’ve been afforded a relationship with it since childhood, based purely on the timing of my birth, and the easy-going nature of my parents. When I was 8, and parties at the public pool were as common as skinned knees, one scene from this 1980 comedy was legend.
The doody scene.

I’m not here to talk about that scene, and how it changed the way the world looks at a Baby Ruth, however. I’m talking about that other thing.
The thing with Smails. Continue reading →
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Filed under Bad Influences, Eatable Things, Faint Signals, Idiot's Delight, Movies You Missed, Nostalgic Obsessions, Saturday Movie Matinee
Tagged as 1970s, 1980, 1980s, Baby Ruth, Bill Murray, Caddyshack, Chevy Chase, Cindy Morgan, comedy, Dan Resin, feces, golf, gophers, John F. Barmon, laughter, marijuana, MIchael O'Keeffe, movies, Rodney Dangerfield, Sarah Holcomb, Ted Knight, vomit
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