By the age of ten, I had somehow managed to view both Alien and The Shining. These formed the blueprint of what I understood of the “horror” genre, which I’ve loved ever since. I often bought issues of Fangoria and GoreZone in junior high, because I was intrigued by the pictures’ ability to sicken me, and amazed that magazines existed in stores that were nothing more than full-color gross-out photos. The work of technical-effects masters like Rick Baker, Tom Savini and Kevin Yagher was lovingly displayed like bloody Playboy centerfolds.
Tag Archives: book
My First Necronomicon
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Bands I Useta Like II: Banned From School
It has come to this administration’s attention that there is now a second 32-page issue of “Bands I Useta Like” magazine. You may recall the trouble that resulted on campus after the first pile of this filth appeared. We do not want a repeat of that incident. Ergo;
“Bands I Useta Like” magazine is hereby banned from the campus. All copies found will be confiscated and destroyed. Continue reading
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Trigger Warning
The signs were there all along. It doesn’t take a genius to see what this means. It was only a matter of time. The evidence just kept mounting, until finally, the pressure was too much. Something had to give. Continue reading
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Filed under Bad Influences, Faint Signals, Magazine Rack, Nostalgic Obsessions, Saturday Movie Matinee, Site Stuff
Spring Break Is Special!
This is it, folks; the magazine I’ve been teasing you with is finally here. And the best part? It’s ONLY $5! This incredible inaugural issue of BANDS I USETA LIKE MAGAZINE contains new stuff (like the Crumb comic and an extended preview of the “Jail” Comic), Cannabis Creeps trading cards, and Comics With Commentary- classic strips with added footnotes (like an explanation of the Van Halen strip)! It’s perfect for the best Spring Break EVER!
Don’t wait to get a copy off me in person- that is a real pain in the ass. Order NOW, and help support BIUL! Share the link with friends who love satire magazines and comix! Buy ’em in bulk, because just like Spring Break, they won’t be around for long!
Check the cover image below for more info, and to place an order. You won’t regret it!
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Comic Relief 1985
For an UNPRECEDENTED three years in the late 1980s, I drew a surrealistic comic strip called Mike the Pod for my high school newspaper. Initially, a buddy of mine scripted it, but once he graduated (he was a grade ahead), I went solo and moved the strip in a more satirical direction. This meant parodies of established icons of the comic page, but in the Age Before Internet, what did one do for proper visual reference?
Typically, I would lug a sketchbook to the library, open one of the huge newspaper compendiums, and double the relevant artist until I got the hang of their style. This was seldom convenient. Then one holiday season in 1988 or ’89, the aforementioned co-writer buddy gifted me a small book that not only provided visual reference for over 100 different newspaper strips, but ironic belly-laughs for decades. For crying out loud, the foreword is written by Kenny Rogers… and it’s about a hunger project.
“Comic Relief”.
Here’s the flavor text from the back cover:
Thanksgiving 1985 was a memorable day in the nation’s funny papers. For the first time in history, the entire comics page was devoted to one subject: hunger. The project, organized by Milton Caniff (Steve Canyon), Charles Schulz (Peanuts), and Garry Trudeau (Doonesbury), brought together over 175 cartoonists, and Comic Relief presents their Thanksgiving Day strips and panels. A cornucopia of cartoon commentary and humor, it is the first time such an array of American comic-strip talent has appeared together in one book. The reader can enjoy this great cartoon spectrum while helping directly in the fight against hunger: Sales of Comic Relief will raise money for USA for AFRICA.
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Filed under Bad Influences, Comix Classic & Current, Nostalgic Obsessions
A Cartoonist Goes To Jail
This is a project that will be previewed in the Bands I Useta Like Summer Super Special Spring Break Special. Expanded, it’ll be 48 pages- a page for every day I spent in Fulton County Jail. Doing these strips is sheer agony, so:
1. I’m looking into crowdfunding options, because not only would this require funds, I require motivation to do this instead of more fun things, like say anything else.
2. Individual pages will be for sale. Signed, whatever ya want.
Contact me for more information. I’ll let you see more if you’re nice to me.
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Filed under Comix Classic & Current, Magazine Rack, Site Stuff
Drinking With Hamsters
Walfred Cybean was an American cartoonist, whose work was featured in magazines like The New Yooper from 1954 to 1969. At the time, Cybean’s doodler-style cartoons were seen as reductive and unpleasant by some readers [proof needed], for they typically displayed a drunken middle-aged man sharing a squalorous living space with an oversized hamster. So many of Cybean’s cartoons contained this theme, that a book compiling them was printed in 1970. Despite persistent rumors that Cybean died of alcohol poisoning and hamster-related injuries, his death came instead when he fell between the cars of a subway train. Continue reading
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Filed under Comix Classic & Current, Faint Signals, Nostalgic Obsessions
Banquet Closing After Holidays
The time has come to retire this particular edition and make room for the next one. After the end of 2014, I will be taking BATHROOM BANQUET offline. If you were hesitating to buy it, STOP HESITATING. Also you might have noticed that I’ve made it so you can share posts. SO SHARE AWAY!
Oh, and maybe I’m stating the obvious, but I make money from this. So buy now. Er, please. Thank you.
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