Tag Archives: Bauhaus

Out Of Print

Imagine yourself at nineteen years old. You walk down the block on a sunny Sunday afternoon to the green metal newspaper vending machine on the corner. You slide shiny silver coins into the slot on the top, pull down the oven-like door, and retrieve a newspaper from inside. With me so far?

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Filed under Comix Classic & Current, Faint Signals, Magazine Rack, Nostalgic Obsessions

(Every Day Is) Halloween

Let’s say you’ve decided to become a “Goth”. These are some things you can expect:

  1. No friends, aside from other Goths.
  2. No attention, aside from that of other Goths.
  3. No respect from anyone, aside from other Goths.

Goths have made a full-time commitment to a bad mood. It’s like a lifestyle built entirely around PMS. If a Goth is older than 25, you’re looking at severely damaged goods. Elvira is literally the only person who can pull the look off successfully.

Damaged goods she is not.

Damaged goods she is not.

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Filed under Bad Influences, Faint Signals, Nostalgic Obsessions, Thousand Listen Club



Do you still read comic strips? If so, where?

If you read them in a metropolitan newspaper, you are reading syndicated comic strips. This is the traditional method by which comic strips are published. Syndicated cartoonists can make big bucks because they get a fee for every different newspaper they appear in, and then there’s the merchandising. Seventy years ago, it was not uncommon to see syndicated cartoonists living large alongside movie stars. They were feted as a new style of raconteur. At his peak, the artist of Dick Tracy got a shiny new Cadillac, every year. Syndication is the ultimate goal of the working cartoonist. Continue reading

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Filed under Comix Classic & Current, Magazine Rack


In honor of the birth of the great Bela Lugosi.

BIUL_BauhausNote: the girl in the middle in panel 2 is making the “obfuscate” gesture that pretend vampires make when they want me to sucker punch them.


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Filed under Comix Classic & Current, Nostalgic Obsessions