Tag Archives: Kim Deitch

The End of the Line

Permit me to bring the room down a moment.

What’s your endgame?

What’s your purpose in life? Are you even aware of one? Are you just running on automatic, going with the flow? Nothing wrong with that, but it all leads to the same big faceless wash-out.

What do you really want out of life?

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Filed under Comix Classic & Current, Magazine Rack, Nostalgic Obsessions

The Kook Who Sat By The Door

If I could go back in time 20 years, and tell my 24-year-old self that I’d be signing my own comics at Criminal Records in Atlanta’s Little 5 Points, I wouldn’t believe it. Mostly because at 24 I was incredulous about the feasibility of time travel.

Three years ago, in jail, more than one dude told me I looked like Bruno Mars. I don't see it.

Three years ago, in jail, more than one dude told me I looked like Bruno Mars. I don’t see it.

I’ve guested at comic conventions before, but this was Criminal Records. They’ve had an almost mythical status since the 1990s, and their old location (it’s now Stratosphere Skateboards, another local business I highly recommend), which I visited often even before I lived here. It had cartoons drawn on the walls by Skip Williamson, Evan Dorkin and Bob Burden, just to name a few. I want to say Patty Leidy was up there too, but I’m going on memory here.  Continue reading

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Filed under Comix Classic & Current, Eatable Things, Girls of BIUL, Idiot's Delight, Magazine Rack, Uncategorized