Permit me to bring the room down a moment.
What’s your endgame?

What’s your purpose in life? Are you even aware of one? Are you just running on automatic, going with the flow? Nothing wrong with that, but it all leads to the same big faceless wash-out.
What do you really want out of life?
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Filed under Comix Classic & Current, Magazine Rack, Nostalgic Obsessions
Tagged as 1970s, 1980s, 1984, 2004, Art Spiegelman, Bijou Funnies, Bobby London, Chester Gould, Chicago, comix, corporate crap, Garbage Pail Kids, Gilbert Shelton, Jay Lynch, Kim Deitch, laughter, Mike the Pod, New Jersey, Norm Saunders, R. Crumb, Skip Williamson, Spain Rodriguez, stickers, Traveling Wilburys, underground, Wacky Packages
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