I seldom forget a good paroxysm of laughter. For example, one of the best memories of my time working at the mall record store involves an album played after closing, one night in 1993. Myself and two other employees were doubled over, purple-faced, unable to breathe from laughing so hard. It felt like the skin at the base of my skull was going to split.
The album was They’re All Gonna Laugh At You!, and the man responsible was Adam Sandler.

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Filed under Bad Influences, Faint Signals, Idiot's Delight, Saturday Movie Matinee, Thousand Listen Club
Tagged as 1980s, 1990s, 1993, 1996, Adam Sandler, Allen Covert, Carrie, comedy, David Spade, laughter, Lorne Michaels, Men Behaving Badly, movies, New Jersey, parental advisory labels, Pixels, pre 9/11, Reign Over Me, Rob Schneider, Robert Smigel, Saturday Night Live, sellouts, slapstick, The Waterboy, Tim Meadows
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