06/07/2016 · 12:58 pm

You wanna lampoon Jehovah? It’s been done. Nobody can top Monty Python’s Life of Brian. Move on with your life.
You’re protected from nefarious religions in the present, mostly. Kids aren’t put through the parochial school ringer like sixty years ago. Nuns get in hot water for rapping the knuckles of students with a ruler. Child abuse is rightfully and openly abhorred. Continue reading →
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Filed under Bad Influences, Comix Classic & Current, Faint Signals, Idiot's Delight, Nostalgic Obsessions, Thousand Listen Club
Tagged as 1980s, 1986, 2004, 45s, alternative music, Andy Partridge, Bands I Useta Like, British Invasion, comic, Dennis Miller, depression, despair, Duran Duran, England, Mike the Pod, mini-CD, mixtapes, Monty Python's Life Of Brian, music, New Jersey, religion, retards, Second British Invasion, strips, The Beatles, XTC
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