Why I’m Not Actually Lazy

Don’t try this at home.

1.Wake up. 10am is good. 9am is better. Noon and afterwards are bad, unless it’s simply unavoidable due to late night field work.

2.Drink three cups of coffee. Sugar substitute is better than sugar. Sugar throws too much gas on the flame.

3.Figure out what paying work has to be done that day.

4.Do it.

5.Determine what “podwork” requires immediate writing/pencilling/inking/coloring. I.e., “all of it”.

6.Do whatever it takes to enter a “fugue state”.

7.Use this state to get a “vibration” of inspiration going.

8.Go where the inspiration will do the most good. If you feel funny, write funny. If you feel fantastical, draw fantasy.

9.It’s getting late in the afternoon. Switch gears from comedy to drama or vice versa. If you don’t feel it, tough titties.

10.Don’t forget that note for the next comedy/drama shift. Write the idea down.

11.Find something to write the idea down upon. This will take 45 minutes.

12.Forget the idea due to realization of hunger. No food has been consumed and the sun is setting.

13.Eat hastily-prepared food. Remember idea. Write it down in the right notebook.

14.Try to recover the groove. Try to recover the groove.

15.It’s not happening.

16.Angrily stomp out of the house to a bar/store/laundromat. Sneer at fools with their pants down.

17.Return to desk, typically drunk. Guilt trip ensues at sight of unfinished work.

18.Do not punch self in face. Very important.

19.3am- fetal position, stroking a hamster.

20.5 am. Page is somehow complete despite advancing blindness.

21.Lie down.

22.Go to 1.


No points for guessing which ones get bent or broken.

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